Saturday, February 6, 2010

color wheel

I took a color workshops recently and this is one thing we painted from that. The main colors we worked with on the outside of the hexagon were cadmium yellow light, for the yellow,  a mixture of cadmium red and alizarin crimson for red, a mixture of ultramarine and cobalt and white for the blue. We mixed from blue to red to yellow first than filled in. Then we added to that cadmium orange for the orange,  a mixture of  mauve blue and white for the purple, and a mixture of permanent green, sap green and a touch of white for the green. Everything left of the line down from purple to yellow is cool, and everything to the right is a warm color.  We also did steps from white to black. I'm supposed to paint a neutral gray background around it all when it dries.


Jessica said...

looks like a good exercise. Is this an ongoing class or was it just one?

Jetti said...

it was the workshop I did last weekend - friday, saturday and half of sunday