Sunday, November 1, 2015

Distant Trees.

So last Sunday morning, I went down very early near the river and painted. It was still fairly dark when I got there, and it was a cloudy morning also, which made it even darker.  I set up quickly and started painting, getting the shapes in and the composition established. I was working on canvas mounted on gator board, toned tan. This particular gator board had a tan back also. As the light got a little brighter it suddenly became obvious that I was working on the wrong side of the panel. Somehow in the dark I had set up the panel backwards and never noticed, color being pretty much the same. So, that was that. I pulled out a different panel and started over, choosing a slightly different view. Actually I like the second picture better anyway.  So maybe it was a good thing.  I wiped the back of the old one clean and will use it another day.
Distant Trees, 9 x 12.

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