Friday, August 28, 2015

Another Red Morning

Sunrise is a full 30 minutes later than it used to be earlier this summer when I first started doing this early morning painting routine. So - I get to sleep a bit later.  Getting up at 5:45 is way better than 5:15.

The smoke from the west coast continued to fill our skies throughout the weekend.
On Monday I went out to paint again and the sky was really dark - the smoke makes it darker than it ought to look in it's pre-dawn state. When the sun did come up, like the last time, it was a fiery red ball emerging from the horizon. This time since I had a view of the lake it was quite spectacular with the sun reflections and all.  Mondays aren't the best time to go there I found out - all the sprinklers are in full force so I got a little wet navigating around the sprinklers trying to find a place to setup that had a view I liked.  Red Sunrise, 9 x 12.

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