Monday, March 16, 2015


Here's the other painting from last weekend. We hiked up into the foothills, a warm day but still lots of snow in the shadowed hillsides and I painted this painting. Snowy Outcrop, 8 x 10. I am still working on some large paintings for an upcoming April show so I may not be getting a chance to do many plein air paintings in the near future. I did do one yesterday and will put that up after it gets a chance to dry a bit. Weather is definitely turning spring-like so I am looking forward to more outdoor painting later this spring and summer.


Kaye_reilly said...

I can smell the earth getting ready for the spring and that smell that comes from the snow melting and the earth thawing. Spring is here.

Kathleen Reilly said...

Thanks - this was the last of our snow.