Thursday, July 24, 2014


When I'm painting outside it always seems that bugs can't resist flying onto the canvas and getting stuck in the paint. Yesterday I had three of them attach themselves on a couple different pictures. I scraped each one off but more came along and got stuck. Sometimes it's just easier to pry them off after the painting has dried for a day or two. Other pests are the grasshoppers who seem to think they have to climb up and traipse around the palette a bit - maybe it's an adventure to them. And when they weren't hiking across the paint they were springing back and forth in front of my face from all directions. And don't get me started on the mosquitos.  Today I went to Hall ranch where I had large horseflies coming to my painting, but happily they moved on.

I'll post copies of these paintings after they are dry and I can scan them.

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